Monday, February 20, 2012

New stuff

I know it has been a while since my last post, I just didn't really have anything to say regarding my condition.

Until now.

On Thursday the 18th of February I had a followup appointment with my Physiatrist, Dr Donna Moore.

There seems to be some new affects of my spinal cord injury.

My tongue is curling up on my right side. Also I am going to have a swallow test done, because it seems that I have Pulmonary aspiration.
This would explain my persistent re-occurrence of Pneumonia. Also I have noticed trouble swallowing my pills, when I had never had problems before. I am noticing that sometimes when I drink some water or pop that it feels like an air bubble is getting stuck, which is quite painful and very scary.

I am also having trouble with bodily functions that seem to be linked to my spinal cord injury. My doctor is very concerned with all of this. I was scheduled for an MRI in mid-March, but due to these recent discoveries, I will be having one sooner.

I have been fighting a cold for the last couple of weeks, in which I thought I was getting better - until today.  I woke up with my normal pain level of a 7, to an 8. Killer headache - more than normal, my neck pain was more painful than normal, coughing a lot, and I spiked a fever. I spent most of the day in bed, and my fever did subside.  So now I will be trying to get into my doctor tomorrow. It sounds like pneumonia.  :(

So please pray for me and my family through all of this. Thank you!

*UPDATE* I went to the doctor today and was put on antibiotics - Azithromycin, as a precaution and now we just wait to see if a fever appears or not. If so, I will be headed back to the doctor for some more help. 


  1. We're always praying for you! Hugs! God is Good!

  2. You know despite the challenges He gave you, you turned things into the opportunity to think, smile, and inspired loyalty and love. Rare gifts to treasure for a lifetime that will never be forgotten.

  3. Sounds like a physical war zone... My heart goes out to you. Prayers too

  4. Until i read your story i never knew about the condition i have which is the same as yours. I am now booking myself in at the doctors to see what can be done. You might just be a life changer/saver! Mich love man!
